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Busy, Busy day – and a very good one I think. Woke a little queasy about 9:30 + called Maurines’s to say I had car-trouble + would come in at eleven instead of 10:30. Figuered I could pull myself together in an hour and a half. Washed hair, pressed an ice cube to my puffy eyes, gathered suitable clothes etc etc + took off. Good session + I think there must be some good shots in the bunch – thence to Pickwick’s to get some books for Rita. Found myself at Max Factor’s en route so stopped and bought a wig I love it. Look like I’ve always wanted to in it. It won’t be ready til February 5th. It’s lighter than my own hair which I’m afraid looked singularly drab when I took off the wig. Went to Pickwick + bought “The Once + Future King,” Henderson the Rain King, “The Hundred dollar Misunderstanding,” “Hard Times” by Dickens and “Dandelion Wine” which I know Rita read on Spring Street. But they’re all up books + should lighten that dark little room. Went to the Safeway + then to the bank Cashed $100.00 for the weekend and deposited $300 from the N.Y. acct. Came home to find a letter from Jimmy – or a carbon of a letter to Mary, rather He’s enroute to Vietnam + Australia + will be at the airport Sunday night between 5:10 pm and 8:30 + would like us to meet him. I called Mary + we’ll drive out together from her place. I called Peter to see if he’d written the letters yet but he hasn’t, nor has he returned Dr. Ware’s call. When I nudged a little he sounded crowded + defensive +, I wished I hadn’t even called. Oh hell. Had a long talk with Mitzi who’d called when I was out + with Liza. Read her her Mother’s letter + we both got hysterical. Had steam + massage + took Bess home. Came back planning to have dinner with Mary + Paul upstairs + discovered I had talked them out of it last night complete + total blank! So grudgingly I went out with them and am so glad I did. Lovely evening. We went to the French restaurant on 7th + Carondilet – Wonderful place + then to the Rain Check. Met a very interesting actor [crossed out letters] named Don Knight who has something to tell me. Odd meeting. psychiatrist -Minister – Actor. Married but that’s not what I’m looking for – I think he may have an answer for me. Came home + got some beer + wrote Bill Wellborne – Message on the service for Peter from Nadalie??