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We were going to go to Hoover Dam today but instead, after a foray into the slot machines at Wonder World, we came home + worked on Timmy’s poetry readings. I was able to give him a few suggestions – mostly warnings against [crossed out letters] esoterica. We all (Dick home about 2:30) napped + read. The Hot water heater over flowed all over the hall carpet. Dick unhooked the water + Jack Joyce came over about 6. Jack + Dick fixed the heater and we all had some drinks. They left a little before 8. We had ham for dinner and the evening passed quietly. Played a little 21. Dick had said to Timmy he could stay as long as he liked but Timmy thank God is anxious to be back + I told him that another visit later on would be alot more fun as the strains at the moment are too much for me. And they are. Bed about eleven.